Why Electricity Bill is High – How Do I Fix It?

Why Electricity Bill is High?

Planned correctly, it is nearly impossible that utility expenses to cross the flexible borderline. But this could quickly happen to someone who is not aware of energy management or how exactly it is calculated.

Why Electricity Bill is High?
Why Electricity Bill is High?

Then high or low are ambiguous terms for that person. No one is at fault…when you are unaware of the process and working of things. 

Electricity is oxygen to our homes and our lives, we have nowhere to go without it. Its entire existence is for helping humankind, even animals. From the creation of lightbulbs to the use of electricity for the smallest possible job to be done they have eased our life. Saves time and energy (human effort) in much work or doing that we have never imagined would be replaced by electric appliances. Now future beholds as we see Tesla with electric cars launching and making the whole Eco-friendly (Environmentally Friendly plan a Go.

With so much ease comes a price. Let us go through some factors as to why in the first place the bill exceeds the range. 

24/7 Use:

24/7 Electricity Using Appliance
24/7 Electricity Using Appliance

With the accessibility of ease at every task, we may spoil extravagant use of such devices. Some of the installed applications at our homes are running day and night and we are unaware of them. These are necessities for example refrigerators, filtration or ventilation devices, and central heating or cooling. We need them and as one of the factors that increase the bill to unexpected levels.

Some ways can be minimized, turning off the device may not be an option here but we can optimize the setting from the highest level to the moderate level where the functioning would not be affecting the overall performance.

FPA in Electricity Bills – FPA Rates

Weather Conditions:

Weather changing has a great influence on the billing criteria. The people who are concerned are well off with fare changes in billing as the weather changes. For instance, the billing charges per unit increase for summer as it is obvious that the cooling system is used at its most. Not only the overall rate is increased on hourly bases. The peak 8 to 9 working hours of the day are charged more. And minimizing the use at that time can bring an effective drop in billing value. 

Some things are necessary like a heating system in cold weather. Alternatives do exist. That may cost a little bit at the installation time for example better insulation layer with walls and door or window gaps. This way the high setting increasing meter number could be set at a moderate setting and then the running speed of the meter number could be lowered. This seems a mere act but has long-term benefits.  

Non-Regulated Appliances:

Non-Regulated appliance Rating
Non-Regulated appliance Rating

Electric appliances do not with a long life guarantee. They need maintenance and care. Like a kid who can only be groomed into a man or woman if he/she is fed and nurtured with care and responsibility. An electric appliance whether it may be a kitchen appliance or a central Air conditioner system. They need maintenance after some time. One of the reasons for bill digit to be doubled is by extra power exerted by the machine for the best possible results, whereas these results were also achieved at a lower power rate when the device was newly installed. 

Cleaning dust from filters, tubes, and even the motherboards occasionally. The extra power exerted by the appliance to achieve the result may seem small but have a big impact on billing strategy. 

In-efficient installation:

At the time of invention, the purpose of the object is clear and it can achieve results but this is not intelligent not to look for efficient models in later times. We can take an example of a light bulb. At an earlier stage, they were more watt consuming more energy. Over time, we now have lower wattage LED lights, more brightness that is a better result but less heavy on the pocket. It seems like a good slogan. But people with management skills are aware and always know about the better replacements that may or may not be necessary. 

Efficient installation may include:

  • A light bulb that may have multi-purpose actions
  • Multi-purpose appliances and tools 
  • Gadget changing one tool. For example hair based tools or kitchen-based appliances.

Excessive Use:

Excessive Use
Excessive Use

If a charger is plugged in for the whole day and you only use it for one hour that is not consuming energy. This is a misconception that plugged-in devices take power, they are not able to drag power until a closed circuit is formed. But that doesn’t mean such things should be kept plugged in as this may damage the internal working. One of the excessive use is excessive charging of electronic devices that include laptops, mobile, watches, and many many other devices. They are all around us, more like we wear/carry as many devices as clothing.

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Final Words:

Everything has its way of life. And electricity is now a part of our lives. With proper management and efficient use, we can minimize the bill. Our working is affected by this one stress with additional. As this one is under our control if it is managed properly. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cause of high electricity bills?

The reason electricity bills are so high is because of the cost of generating power. The electricity companies are making a profit from us.

Are there ways to reduce our electricity bill?

Yes. There are many ways to reduce your bill.

How can I save money on my electricity bill?

One of the easiest ways to save money on your bill is to turn off lights that you don’t use. Also, The next thing you can do to save money on your bill is to have a programmable thermostat.

What are the advantages of using a programmable thermostat?

Programmable thermostats allow you to set the temperature in your home to a certain temperature. This means that you only need to turn the heat up or down when you are at home.

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